Friday, September 13, 2013

Opening of School - UPDATE!

It is hard to believe that the first two weeks of the year are over! It has been a great start to the year and as usual Plymouth South High School is very busy place!

Students schedules are final and all appear very happy, sports are off to a fantastic start with a number of undefeated teams, and the freshman know their way around the large building. We have a few exciting happenings to report:
  • The math department was awarded a grant through the Educational Foundation of Plymouth and many of the math teachers are incorporating iPads into their classroom instruction.
  • On Wednesday, September 11th, forty-eight PSHS visual art and music students embarked on an arts intensive, sixteen hour excursion to Boston! Students were able to do college visits at either Berklee College of Music or MassArt (College of Art and Design), meet students, ask questions about college and about careers in the arts, and tour the studios, galleries, and performance spaces. Following was a trip to the Museum of Fine Arts for the beginning of the "living sketchbook" project and for exploring the world of visual art, including their current exhibits of "Hippie Chic," "Women Photographers from the Arab World," and "Contemporary Art." Following this, students dined at Fire + Ice, which was much more of a performance than expected with the chefs cooking while everyone watched. The evening concluded with a performance of the hit musical Wicked at the Boston Opera House that was a musical, visual, and dramatic spectacular! This excursion was a great way to start the year and has the students pumped to integrate it into their artistry! Stay tuned for many more exciting visual and performing arts events this year from PSHS!
  • SENIORS - An important letter is being mailed home to your parents today. ALL Seniors will be taking the SAT's during the school day on October 16th. This will be free of charge - paid for by the Plymouth Public Schools. The letter includes an important "voucher" that is needed for students to register for the test. The directions are in the letter - it is an easy process! The deadline for registration is September 20th. Please contact your child's guidance counselor with any specific questions. Thanks
  • Guidance will be visiting classrooms of all seniors next week. Seniors will receive a packet of important information – please remind them to ask questions – we are here to help with the college planning process and it can be very complex!
  • All students in grades 10 and 11 will again take the PSAT’s free of charge on October 16th.  This is also the day of our College Fair that will be held this year at Plymouth North High School.  Don’t miss out!
  • Homecoming is already upon us!  Next weekend is the dance, September 21st at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets will be on sale next week at all lunches!
  • Don’t forget to “like” us on Facebook “PSHSPanthers” – for up to the minute information and daily updates about the happenings at South High!

Thanks again to all for a great start to the year!