Friday, May 3, 2013

FAQ - ATTENDANCE - End of Year!

STUDENTS….End of Year Attendance

Frequently Asked Questions


At this time of year there always are many questions regarding ATTENDANCE.  I have tried to highlight many of the guidelines and rules that we follow.  Don’t hesitate to see me with any additional questions!

SENIORS & AP Testing

·         If you have any concern about your attendance or tardies to school, please plan to be in school every day, all day, until May 31st.

·         If you are participating in an AP test and it is in the morning, please report directly to the testing center.  You are expected to return to school after the exam unless you have a note from your parent/guardian.  If you are in jeopardy for attendance, you must return.

·         If you have two AP tests in one day that is an excused absence.

·         If you have the AP test only in the afternoon, you are expected to come to the school in the morning and you need a dismissal note to be dismissed for the exam that should be submitted to student services.  If you have no issues with attendance, and your parent/guardian approves with a written note, you may miss school.  You are not allowed to miss any school without a note from your parent/guardian.

·         If you play a spring sport, and have an AP exam – you must be in school the other part of the day due to MIAA guidelines in order to participate in the game/practice.

·         During SENIOR EXAMS, all exams are scheduled in the morning.  If you are exempt from an exam due to your grade status, and you do not have attendance issues, you do not have to come for the exam.  In addition, you may be dismissed after the exam with a note from your parent/guardian.  However, if you have attendance issues and the days will exceed the allowed days, you must remain for the entire day of school.

Underclassmen Exams:

We are aware that due to the snow days, a number of families have planned events for the end of June.  If for some reason you are not going to be here the end of June and need to take your exams earlier, we need a note from your parent/guardian.  While we understand that school is going longer than usual, these are still unexcused absences.

Senior Exam Schedule – REMINDER – Exams are 20% of your Final Grade

Exam Times
Fri. 5/24
Tues. 5/28
Wed. 5/29
Thur. 5/30
7:20-8:52 a.m.
A Period Exam
C Period Exam
D Period Exam
G Period Exam
8:56-10:26 a.m.
B Period Exam
E Period Exam
F Period Exam

When in doubt….come to school ALL DAY every day!!!

See Mrs. Fry with any questions!

Do not jeopardize graduation or loss of credit!  Please check ASPEN at any time!