Thursday, April 4, 2013

April at Plymouth South

While the snow days were a bit of a challenge with many many rescheduled events, April is finally here.

Thanks to all junior and their parents for attending the mandatory pre-prom meeting this past week at Plymouth North.  If you were not able to attend and your child plans on attending the prom, just a reminder that the makeup session is April 24th at 7:00 p.m. at Plymouth SOUTH high school.

Spring sports have also begun in fine fashion and we encourage parents and students to access our schedule via the school facebook page, south panthers website, and even twitter.  We are hopeful that the weather has finally turned for the better!

If you did not get a chance to see the fantastic Plymouth High School musical, there are two upcoming all-town music presentations on April 23rd and 25th - we encourage parents and students to attend!

Finally, guidance counselors have been working hard to meet with all students regarding their course requests for next year.  Students will receive a copy of their schedule before leaving in June.

Also, thanks to all seniors who have submitted their scholarship applications recently.  They have been forwarded to the appropriate committees.